As Trump is reconfiguring Government agencies, and reallocating employees he has received a lot of...
Author - Anonymous
Why is English the official language of the European Union when Great Britain isn’t even a...
The grooming-gangs scandal is far worse than you think
A new film illuminates the shocking depravity of these crimes. The details of what grooming gangs...
The Nuremberg Code 70 Years Later
Jonathan D...
“Queen Elizabeth II” Victim or villain?
[Elizabeth Windsor or Mountbatten, evidently inherited a previously usurped Office of Sovereign...
Zionist Control of UK Government
Israel/ZionZionism Israel Judaism ‘There is a reason to believe that the British...
Invasion Day, Captain Cook’s Only Sin Was to Discover Australia.
Howard Dewhirst – The Spectator Australia 12 February, 2024 Can there ever have been such a...
Congressional Staffer Says Members of Congress Are Blackmailed...
Source: Congressional Staffer Says Members of Congress Are Blackmailed Following Sex Parties...
Pastreich for President
Source: I should omitted the useless populous policy of climate change. 1) END THE COVID-19...
Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech
This is the full text of Enoch Powell’s so-called ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech, which...