Tyranny Vaccines

Mandatory vaccination as a tool for a coup d’état under the guise of coronavirus

Written by gad123

Mandatory vacc!nation as a tool for a coup d’état under the guise of Koronavirus

Over the past few days, Russia has suddenly plunged into an entirely new reality. A week ago we lived in a state to which there were a lot of questions, but at the same time the very existence of the state with its authorities, hierarchy, law, etc. recognized by the majority of the country’s population. Today the situation is changing before our eyes. Collective Sobyanin, together with a group of Rospotrebnadzor officials, seized totalitarian power in the country, abolishing the Constitution, laws, the president with his guarantees and promises, legislative power, etc. under the plausible pretext of caring for the health of the population. On Sobyanin, more precisely – on the so-called. The “party of Koronavirus”, which unites the voluntary and involuntary agents of global pharma, operates most of the media, the Internet and almost the entire bureaucratic machine. The federal government does not seem to notice what is happening, the power bloc is also silent, which, by definition, would have to intervene and defend national sovereignty. As a result, society has to react. And sabotaging the anti-constitutional decisions of the impostors is clearly not enough. Meanwhile, the most conscientious citizens from among the activists of large patriotic and parental associations launched an open appeal to Putin and the Security Council demanding to stop the coup d’etat launched under the guise of Koronavirus.

The chronicle of the changing Kovid reality is stunning. Here are just some of its milestones:

  • On June 15, the authorities of Moscow, the Moscow region and a number of other regions introduce, on the basis of decrees of local chief sanitary doctors, a regime of compulsory vacc!nation of a number of categories of workers (doctors, teachers, transport workers, service workers, etc.). (Now the authorities of 11 regions of the Russian Federation have followed their example).
  • On June 16, the Minister of Health of Moscow banned planned hospitalizations and operations for those who were not vacc!nated against Kovid. At the same time, the Council of Rectors of Moscow declares a ban on admission to universities of unvacc!nated students (or those without a QR code), and the Krasnodar authorities prohibit unvacc!nated registration of marriages at the registry office.
  • On June 18, by the decision of the chief medical officer of the Armed Forces, mandatory vacc!nation of army personnel, including conscripts, is introduced , which they promise to be vacc!nated before July 15.
  • On June 22, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announces the closure from June 28 of public catering for people who do not have QR codes (about vacc!nations or about the Kovid-19 disease suffered within six months). Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov declares his support (on behalf of the Kremlin!) For Sobyanin’s actions, including the “inevitability of discrimination against people without vacc!nations.” On the same day, “Kommersant” discloses the plans of the Ministry of Education and Science to develop the chipization of the population (at the end of the day, the agency issues an inconclusive refutation).
  • On June 23, the Moscow Region authorities announce plans to make public transport accessible only by a QR code from July 1 .

At the same time, news is thrown into the media about the upcoming permission (read – obligation) to vacc!nate pregnant women, adolescents and children.

At the same time, the authorities themselves are forced to admit: the vacc!ne does not guarantee protection against Kovid, many people are hospitalized after being vacc!nated. In this regard, the Ministry of Health is launching a revacc!nation program, according to which citizens will be forced to be vacc!nated every six months.

How does all this combine with the repeated promises of Vladimir Putin, speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, speaker of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin and many others? other. to preserve the voluntariness of vacc!nations (which fully complies with the requirements of the Constitution of the Russian Federation 323-FZ “On the basics of health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, 157-FZ “On immunization of infectious diseases”, etc.)? That’s right – no way!

Putin himself does not comment on what is happening, as well as other top officials of the country. Meanwhile, the people of Russia, who are accustomed to not trusting the authorities, and even more so Sobyanin and the like, refuse to be vacc!nated. Whatever the government’s staff sociologists say, the best evidence of the population’s distrust of Koronavirus vacc!nes (any, not just Russian!) Is the failure of voluntary vacc!nation, which, according to official data, a little more than 10% of the population underwent. And from this figure, you can safely subtract at least two-thirds – military personnel, state employees, employees of state corporations, who have been forced to vacc!nate with experimental cocktails for six months.

It is not surprising that the population perceives decisions on compulsory vacc!nation as violence and an attempt on their own health, as well as provocation of social discord (between employers and workers, vacc!nated and unvacc!nated, people and officials, military commissariats and parents of conscripts, etc.). And this can no longer be justified by simple kickbacks to powerful corrupt officials (the fact that all this publicity is not connected in any way with medicine is understandable to any thinking person, as eloquently evidenced by the RIA Katyusha poll ). The case here smells of much more serious things.

In connection with this situation, the Coordination Council of the Patriotic Forces of St. Petersburg, the Institute of the Public Commissioner for the Protection of the Family, the St. Petersburg Professional Association of Medical Workers and a number of large public associations of patriotic orientation decided to launch an open appeal to the President, the Security Council and the FSB, in which what is happening is qualified as a provocation of a coup d’etat.

As of 9 am, more than 1200 organizations and citizens from all over Russia have already signed this appeal. Among the signatories of the appeal are representatives of various strata of society. Doctors, teachers, army and special services officers, writers, artists, entrepreneurs, priests, representatives of public and trade union associations, parents of large families, students, pensioners, regional administration officials, employees of various enterprises of all forms of ownership, journalists. (Long list included.)

Those who are not ready to write a statement on their own can sign our petition. Link:

If we all together do not wake up V.V. Putin and the siloviki and we do not stop vacc!ne fascism from the Kovid party, tomorrow it may be too late. Over the past 30 years, our people have endured countless blows and humiliations from a global adversary. For a long time we endured the colonial administration with its colonial economic, cultural, migration and information policies, anti-popular reforms according to the IMF manuals like monetizing benefits or raising the retirement age, insane digital transformation of all spheres of life, including education, even Kovidism with muzzles and lockdowns. But the massive encroachment on the life and health of children and the elderly, organized by the “party of Kovid”, against the background of the savory spitting of globalists in the direction of law and remnants of respect for the president and the Constitution, may become the last straw.

Maximum repost!

Andrey Tsyganov, RIA Katyusha


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