While Christians and conservatives are loudly and loquaciously proclaiming support for the right to life of unborn babies, they are absolutely apathetic to the right to life of millions of innocents killed in the U.S.-sponsored wars around the world—especially the lives of innocent Palestinians.
Since December of 1947, the Israeli military, with the assistance of Great Britain and the United States, exacted an ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians that took the lives of millions of people and displaced millions more. And that ethnic cleansing continues today—with the praise and support of Christians and conservatives all over America, I might add.
Why do some lives matter more than others? If God is no respecter of persons, how can we be?
I’ll tell you one reason why this is happening: It’s because of almost a century of pervasive indoctrination of Christian Zionism within the Church. The teaching of John Darby and Cyrus Scofield and thousands of pastors, Bible teachers and televangelists, scores of Christian schools and colleges and hundreds of evangelical radio broadcasts have saturated the hearts and minds of America’s Christians with the false doctrines of Christian Zionism.
Beyond that, virtually every study Bible written in the 20th century was nothing more than a propaganda tool for Christian Zionism.
For 20 years, I have tried to reacquaint the American people with the majestic Liberty principles of our Founding Fathers by publishing THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS.
Now, my desire is also to reacquaint Christian people with the majestic Biblical doctrines of the faith of our fathers—unfettered with the false doctrines of Zionism—by distributing the Matthew Henry Study Bible.
It is no hyperbole to say that if a person only had these two books: the MATTHEW HENRY STUDY BIBLE and THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS, they would have almost everything they needed regarding the principles of Liberty and the precepts of God’s Word in their hands.
by Chuck Baldwin.
Here is the complete column from which this post is excerpted:
Find the Matthew Henry Study Bible, KJV, Bonded Leather, here:
Although the Scofield Reference Bible contains the text of the King James Authorized Version, it is not the traditional Protestant bible but Cyrus I. Scofield’s annotated commentary that is problematic. More than any other factor, it is Scofield’s notes that have induced generations of American evangelicals to believe that God demands their uncritical support for the modern State of Israel.
Laura Bucanan
Thompson-Chain is a great tool to use when studying the Bible.
Jane Tzilvelis
I prefer the KJV Orthodox Study Bible.
Bonita Cooley
Please wake up the Statists and Zionists Lord Jesus. Help them know You and see the wickednes disguised as good like Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter and all the other Manchurian New World Order candidates and all their evil cohorts and bosses like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and all the false teachers and prosperity gospel fakes masquerading as do-gooders.