
We are about to become the most educated people to die of ignorance.

Written by gad123

Meet the New Boss, same as the Old Boss, We’ve Been Fooled Again. War Pigs Rule! I believe they have Sympathy For The Devil. In God They Trust, their God, the Almighty Dollar. Follow the Money. Welcome to the Fourth Reich, whose Fifth Objective, is for a New World Order.

The first duty of a Patriot is protect their Nation from Enemies, both Foreign, and Domestic. I believe we are are our own worst Enemy, followed closely, by our so-called Allies. With, Friends “Like” this, who needs Enemies? The treasonists are the true terrorists, insider traders, and traitors. I believe we have Acts of Treason, in the highest Degree, being committed by those sitting in the highest places. I believe our Public Servants are putting Secret Oaths, to the ruling Secret Societies, above their oath to the people. Our so-called government created and built Al-Qaeda. What would make anyone believe ISIS is any different? When, all else fails, blame the Aliens! You would have to be living on another planet to believe anything they say at this point. They blame everyone, but themselves, the guilty!

Vote “Anyone” but a Clinton, or a Bush, is my Motto in 2016. The real Answer is: Vote for “Nobody”. Nobody tell the Truth. Nobody keeps their Oath. Nobody cares about the people. We are a Nation Of, By, and For the Corporations and Bankers. No more “Democrats”, no more “Republicans”, as we all need to be “Americans”. As, long as there is Profit in War, the World will never know Peace. Follow the Money! Who has Profited from the Wars, in the Name of God, based on 9/11? Certainly not US!

I believe the Profits, made by the False Prophets, will be used against US! Mankind must “End” Wars before Wars “End” Mankind. According to Script? Money is also called “Script”. Coincidence?

War is when the Government tells US who our Enemies are. Propaganda is when the Media tells US who our Enemies are. Revolution is when we figure out who our Enemies are for ourselves.

The Truth, is the answer. Nothing “Changes”, without the “Truth”. But, I believe the days of US living under the “Rule” of Secrets and Lies are numbered. I believe we will Die, if we continue to live, the 9/11 Lie. What we allow, will continue, and be done onto us. I believe we are about to become the most educated people to die of ignorance.

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. Those, who fail to learn from History, are doomed to repeat it. I believe America is falling for the “Divide and Conquer” Strategy hook, line, and sinker. United we Stand / Divided we Fall. Stand now, or forever hold our peace, as in RIP.

Everything is a Secret. When forced to talk, they lie. The ruling Evil Brotherhood of Liars. The candidates “Debate” over who is the bigger liar and thief. The people must stand for the Truth. Starting with 9/11, Wars, and New World Order. 9/11 + Wars = New World Order. We will “Die”, if we continue to “Live”, the 9/11 “Lie”. I believe 9/11 was a Controlled Demolition, which was part of an Occultist Ritual, to bring America down to the New World Order. I believe the clowns on the Left, and Jokers on the Right, are Stuck In The Middle with the New World Order. I believe the Puppets on the Left, and the Puppets on the Right, are serving the same Puppet Masters. Silly Slaves, Puppets are “Selected”, not “Elected”. If, Voting mattered, they wouldn’t let us do it. It, doesn’t matter who votes, as it only matters who counts the votes. Rigged Buildings. Rigged Elections. Rigged System.

Welcome to Reality! If Stalin ran as a Democrat, and Hitler ran as a Republican, one of “them” would occupy the White House. Welcome to the “Rigged” Presidential Election of 2016. It’s “us”, against “Them”, in my Book. I believe 9/11 was the Big Event needed to put the “Plan”, for a New World Order, in motion. We promised never to forget 9/11 and it’s time to pay-up, before we Pay the Ultimate Price, for allowing ourselves to be “Ruled” under Secrets and Lies.

What we allow, will continue, and be done onto US. Those, who fail to learn from History, are doomed to repeat it. I believe we have “Stories” in History Books, and “End Time” stories on the Bible, being played out right before our very eyes. But, few want to see it, much less believe it. Those not seeing it, either don’t want to see it, or are part of it! They are all traitors in my book. I believe we are about to become the most educated people to die of ignorance. I believe 9/11 was Nazi Germany’s fire at the Reichstag. A False Flag Operation, to create False Flag Wars, and strip the people of their rights.

I believe we are being set-up to default to the New World Order. The New World Order, is not a conspiracy theory, it was promised by Skull and Bones secret society member, George HW Bush. Hitler promised a New World Order! Goes with Skull and Bones GHW Bush, being the Son of Skull and Bones secret society member Prescott Bush, his evil elite War Pig Banks were shut down for Funding the Nazis in WII.

We allowed the son, and grandson, of the “Banker to the Nazis” to become president. I can think of over 19,000,000,000,000 without looking past the massive National Debt, they built, and want us to pay for. I believe we are about to pay for it with our freedom, our nation, and very lives.

How can we have separation of Church, and state, when the State is a Religion? Statism, idea’s so good, they need to be kept a Secret. Statism, idea’s so good, they need to be Mandatory. Statism, is the most dangerous religion. We are under the rule of the very evil family (Secret Societies), evil elite war pig banker hypocrites, and evil preachers we declared our independence from in 1776. The Cardinal Sins of Conversation. Politics and religion “rule” our lives until we die. I figure it is better to write about them, and talk about them, then to die over them.

There is no more profitable business then war, so profitable they fund, and arm both sides. Are we next on their agenda? Part of the New World Order Agenda 21 Depopulation Plan? JFK is still known as “The last President to tell the truth”. JFK was assassinated like Honest Abe. Proves what honesty, and the truth, gets you being “Ruled” under Secrets and Lies. I believe everything that JFK warned us about in his ‘Secret Society’ speech, over 50 years ago, is ruling us today. Since the people did not stand for the truth on the assassination of JFK, we received 9/11 decades later. Find, the Truth on 9/11, and I believe we will have found the truth on the assassination of JFK. We are our own worst enemy. Our so-called Government created and built Al-Qaeda. What would make anyone believe ISIS is any different. When, all else fails, blame the Aliens! You would have to be living on another Planet to believe anything they say at this point. They blame everyone, but themselves. I believe 9/11 was the Big Event needed to put the plan, for a New World Order, in motion. 9/11 was an Inside Job. Goes with the Pre-Meditated Oil Wars, in the Name of God, based on 9/11. Their God, the Root of all Evil, that has touched every Branch of our so-called Government in the District of Corruption. The joke is on us. They will be laughing all the way to our graves, unless they decide to turn us to Ash, like many of the “Forgotten” Victims on 9/11. The Plan? Anyone willing and able to pull off 9/11, is willing and able to pull off anything, and everything. Including, “The End”, at least for us. I believe they proved what they thought of us on 9/11. Our choice in the Election after 9/11, 2004, was Skull and Bones Secret Society Member Royal George W Bush vs Skull and Bones Secret Society Member John Kerry. We got Skull and Bones either way. No outsiders were allowed to uncover this inside job? I believe the 2004 Presidential Election proves are elections are rigged, and it confirmed the rigged election of 2000, which put the Skull and Bones Secret Society Bush Family back in the White House. I believe the 2004 Election also proves the Two Party’s are really one, the Federalist Party, which is part of the World Federalist Movement. One New World Order. Skull and Bones Secret Society is known as the “Brotherhood of Death”. Our near future? We now have a Skull and Bones Secret Society Member Secretary of State, John Kerry, negotiating Nuclear World War on our behalf. That should send shivers down the Spine of America, but Skull and Bones Secret Society has left America with only skeletal remains of itself.

Everything America stood for, has been lost, because the people refuse to stand for the truth. I am beginning to think the people can’t stand the truth, as it hurts too much.

The Truth has been turned into a conspiracy theory. Let’s talk conspiracies and cover-ups. The state of the Union is pathetic. It is a direct reflection of the pathological liars ruling it. I believe the goal is to bankrupt America so we default to the New World Order. The truth has been turned into a conspiracy theory. Based on that theory, God will become the next enemy, and his word the next conspiracy theory. The goal of the New World Order is for One World Government, One World Currency, and One World Religion. The New World Order, One World Religion, will do the thinking for all of us. Think, about that, the ultimate form of control. History proves, if they can’t control, they kill. I believe Lady Di could testify to that. But, I believe they killed her, after they couldn’t control her. Just like, JFK. Just like, Joan of Arc. Just like, Jesus. Anyone talking about the New World Order, is talking about the Destruction of America.

Honest Abe said “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter, and lose our Freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves”. Know Your Enemy. Take The Power Back! The words of Rage Against The Machine. They screamed at us, over 20 years ago, about everything happening to our nation today. This is a Plan! While our evil rulers, and so-called Leaders can keep secrets and tell us Lies, God knows all.

I believe he has seen and heard enough. I believe the message of the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13) is” “The Truth” or “The End”. The Truth will set us Free (John 8:32). Free at last. Free at last. Free and independent. You have got to be free. Come together, right now, over me. It’s, Now or Never, Do or Die time. Sudden death, could appear like a thief in the Night, being ruled under secrets and lies.

Of all the people to walk the face of the earth, we may get to live out the end. When you receive a message like the truth or the end, nothing else matters. May, God bless the United States of America, because we need it!

by Jon Drucks. Edited for clarity.

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