THE MAGNA CARTA ; STILL A RELEVANT PART OF MODERN DAY LAW IN AUSTRALIA : The Magna Carta – the foundation of the liberties of an individual. And with the historic, biggest threat to civil liberties win by Labor here in Western Australia, the 800th year anniversary commemoration of the ‘corner stone of the rule of law’ – and as reported by The Australian on March 12 headlined Magna Carta : still shining bright for freedom – could not have been more timely (see platform post CIVIL LIBERTIES)… Remember, as your freedoms continue to disappear through the strong hold, CCP styled dictatorship of McGowan and the dependent McGurk in Fremantle eg house arrest, travel restrictions, business closure, enforcement of the public health act or compulsory searches, the Magna Carta has stood the test of time rather than fading into history, and is still a relevant part of modern day law in Australia. Rod Grljusich – Independent For Fremantle