Translation of the original text: Sverige: Massinvandringen och döden
Translated by Maria Celander
- The atmosphere on Swedish social media is now almost revolutionary. People post videos of themselves accusing the government of murder, of filling Sweden with violent people.
- When Alexandra Mezher was murdered, she was alone in the residence with ten asylum seekers. She was stabbed by one of the “children” she cared for.
- When National Police Commissioner Dan Eliasson appeared on the “Good Morning Sweden” TV show, the day after Mezher’s murder, he expressed sympathy for the murderer, but barely mentioned the victim. This sparked frenzied outrage on social media.
Mass immigration is continuing to claim victims in Sweden. Murder, assaults and rape have become everyday occurrences in this small country, with a population just short of ten million, which last year opened its doors to almost 163,000 immigrants. The latest victim is 22-year-old Alexandra Mezher. She was stabbed to death last week by a so-called unaccompanied refugee child at the asylum house where she worked.
Although the massive influx of asylum seekers has decreased drastically since January 4, when Sweden implemented border controls on the Swedish/Danish border, the people who are already here pose a giant problem to municipalities, police and citizens. The police are fighting a losing battle against street crime, as well as daily incidents at asylum houses – general disturbances that include fights, rapes and threats.
The asylum houses are in a state of anarchy. On January 27, police were dispatched to a home for teenagers in Lindås, where a riot had erupted. Policeman Johan Nilsson told the local paper, Barometern:
“One [of the youths] was refused when he tried to buy candy, and got angry with the staff. He gathered some 15 friends, and the staff was forced to lock themselves in while the mob smashed windows and other things. The instigator, supposedly 16 years old, is suspected of having started the riot, and another one is suspected of making unlawful threats and of violent rioting.”
That suspect was later released, after producing a document that stated he was under 15, and thus not criminally responsible.
Another, more serious incident occurred at the asylum house Signalisten in Västerås on January 20. Ten policemen arrived at the facility due to reports of the repeated rape of a 10-year-old boy. The policemen were met by a large mob standing in a corridor, shouting and shaking their fists. The situation escalated to the point where the police were forced to flee for their lives. One of the officers later wrote in his report that it was only due to the presence of a police dog handler that he and his colleagues were able to escape:
“Even more people appeared behind us. I was mentally prepared to fight for my life. We were 10 police officers in a narrow corridor. And I heard someone yell that there is an emergency exit. I felt that we could easily have been outmaneuvered, considering the environment and the number of counterparties.”
The policeman also wrote in his report that he hoped for more training in the future, on “how to handle crowds in confined spaces.”
That the Swedish police are no longer able to do their duty is evident. National Police Commissioner Dan Eliasson recently demanded 2,500 more officers and 1,600 more civilian employees for the police, to handle the heightened terror threat and the increased influx of refugees. Considering the length of time needed to train policemen, it will probably be a while before the police can increase its numbers. Eliasson also demanded a budget increase of between 1.8 and 2.8 billion kronor ($214 million – $332 million), because the “migrant situation means a significantly higher workload for the police.”
He identified at border controls and asylum houses as especially in need of greater resources, all over the country: “We need to be there often, there are fights and disturbances.”
On January 26, what everyone had been dreading finally happened. The police arrived at an asylum house for “unaccompanied refugee children” in Mölndal early in the morning, after reports of a knife fight. By the time they arrived, it was too late. Asylum house employee Alexandra Mezher lay bleeding on the floor, stabbed by one of the “children” she cared for. She died in hospital a few hours later.
The police arrested a person claiming to be a 15-year-old from Somalia on suspicion of murder, as well as the attempted murder of one of the youths who allegedly tried to intervene. He was later remanded. According to the local daily, GT, the staff had previously warned on several occasions that the suspect had psychiatric problems.
The Mezher family are Lebanese Christians who fled the violence in Lebanon 25 years ago. Alexandra’s mother, Chimene Mezher, told the British paper, The Daily Mail:
“We left Lebanon to escape the civil war, the violence and the danger. We came to Sweden where it was safe, to start our family. But it is not safe any more. … And I just want to know why… why Alexandra? She wanted to help them, but they did this. I just want answers.”
Chimene Mezher now accuses Swedish politicians of murdering her daughter. The dramatic recent population increase in Mölndal, a suburb of Gothenburg, has scared many of the 60,000 residents. In less than a year, 8,000 asylum seekers have moved in — half of whom are so-called “unaccompanied refugee children.”
It has now emerged that staff at the asylum house where Alexandra Mezher was murdered had repeatedly complained about unreasonable conditions. A year ago, employees warned about being understaffed and working alone: “So far, nothing serious has happened, but it will,” said a desperate employee who called the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (“Inspektionen för vård och omsorg” or IVO). IVO inspected the asylum house, but found everything was in order. When Mezher was murdered, she was alone in the residence with ten asylum seekers. So far, no motive for the murder has emerged.
When the National Police Commissioner appeared on the “Good Morning Sweden” TV show, the day after Mezher’s murder, he expressed sympathy for the murderer, but barely mentioned the victim. This sparked frenzied outrage on social media. Eliasson said:
“Well, you are of course distraught on behalf of everyone involved. Naturally, for the person killed and her family, but also for a lone young boy who commits such a heinous incident. What has that person been through? Under what circumstances has he grown up? What is the trauma he carries? This entire migration crisis shows how unfair life is in many parts of the world. We have to try to help solve this best we can.”
The atmosphere on social media is now almost revolutionary. People are posting videos of themselves accusing the government of murder, of filling Sweden with violent people and completely ignoring Swedes.
What does the Swedish government really think? Does it maintain that the right of asylum is more important than everything else — even the safety of its own people?
Gatestone Institute called Sofia Häggmark, a non-partisan official at the Department of Justice unit for migration rights. Here is the Q & A:
Should everyone get to seek asylum in Sweden, even if it leads to Sweden’s undoing?
“The right of asylum is very strong. We have international rules and EU rules that say that if a person comes to an EU country, that person has a right to seek asylum.”
Is it all right to say no if there are groups in your country that are being threatened by the asylum seekers — minority populations such as Roma, Jews and Sami [Lapp]? Or that Sweden cannot afford it?
“No, if a person has grounds for asylum or risks the death penalty or torture in their home country, you cannot deny them asylum.”
Is it not the Swedish government’s primary task to protect Sweden and the Swedish people?
“We need to abide by international rules; we are obliged to do that. We can be dragged before the Court of Justice of the European Union if we do not allow people to seek asylum.”
Which is more important – Swedish lives, or the risk that you might end up before the Court of Justice of the European Union?
“I cannot answer that question; I can only tell you what the rules are.”
So you are saying that if 30 million people come here to kill us, we have no defense, we cannot stop it?
“I can only tell you that the right of asylum gives very strong protection.”
But not for the Swedes?
“If a person kills someone here in Sweden, the criminal justice system handles that and tries them. We need to look at every individual asylum case.”
Do you think it has ever happened at any time in the history of the world that a country cared more for the citizens of other countries than its own?
“I cannot answer that. But there is no rule that sets a limit for how many [asylum seekers] Sweden can accept.”
So there is no plan for what to do when the country is full and the citizens are scared?
“No, there is not.”
Do you personally think that feels okay?
“I cannot answer that. That is not my job.”
If several millions of Muslims come here and implement Sharia law, then the right of asylum has effectively contributed to abolishing the democracy in our country, replacing the Swedish people and annihilating the whole concept of Sweden. Have none of you pondered these fateful issues?
“I understand your thoughts.”
The measures taken by the government on January 4 were a way to stop immigration without compromising the almighty “right of asylum,” because only those who actually set foot on Swedish soil have the right to seek asylum. The government imposed carriers’ liability for the train and ferry companies operating on the route between Denmark and Sweden, which means that those companies had to hire guards to refuse passage to anyone that cannot show a passport or other valid ID. This is the first time people cannot travel freely between the Nordic countries since the Nordic Passport Union was introduced in 1952.
The new identity checks have created a problem for Denmark, which was not at all keen to get stuck with all the asylum seekers headed for Sweden. Thus, Denmark introduced its own controls on the German border.
Otherwise, Denmark has chosen a different path from Sweden. Instead of preventing people from seeking asylum, the Danish Parliament adopted a new law on January 26, which includes sharp austerity measures towards asylum seekers – measures that the government hopes will discourage migrants from coming to Denmark. The new rules include:
- Shorter residence permits
- Postponement of the right to bring in relatives
- The right of the state to seize a migrant’s assets to cover asylum costs
- Stricter qualifications to get permanent residency
- An easing of the process for revoking the residency of refugees
- A 10% cut in cash benefits for asylum seekers
- Asylum seekers can only keep assets worth up to a total of 10.000 Danish krone ($1500), excluding jewelry of sentimental value.
This last rule has been widely debated — and condemned, especially in Sweden. But the truth is that Sweden has a similar law, called the Reception of Asylum Seekers Law (Mottagande av asylsökande), which was introduced in 1994. Section 15 of the law states:
“A person who has a job, or other income or private assets, and lives in an asylum house, must pay a reasonable amount as compensation to the Migration Service. When food is included in the accommodation, a reasonable compensation should also be paid.”
However, Swedish authorities, with broad political agreement, ignore this law.
Even the Danish Social Democrats supported the law. In 2010, the party demanded that Europe “make way for Islam,” but now it has apparently made a complete U-turn. Social Democratic Faction Chairman Henrik Sass Larsen wrote in an opinion piece in the daily, Politiken:
“We will do all we can to limit the number of non-Western refugees and immigrants to this country. That is why we have gone far – much farther – than we ever dreamed of. We do this because we do not want to sacrifice the welfare state in the name of humanism. Because the welfare state is … the political project of the Social Democrats. It is a society built on the principles of freedom, equality and solidarity. Mass immigration – look at Sweden for example – will undermine the economic and social foundation of the welfare state.”
But protecting the welfare state that generations of Swedes have built, does not seem to be a priority for the Swedish Social Democrats. Some have long claimed that the Social Democratic affinity for immigration has to do with the party’s desire to fill the country with “election cattle,” and fuel has now been added to that fire. Muslims most often seem to vote for the left, studies show. For example, 93% of French Muslims voted for Socialist President François Hollande, and almost 90% of American Muslims voted for President Obama.
Judging by recent polls, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven will indeed need the Muslim votes in order to remain in power. The respected polling institute, Sifo, recently presented a report on party sympathies for the month of January. The Social Democrats got a pitiful 23.2% – the worst result since polling started in 1967. The party got 31% in the general election of 2014, and that was considered a rotten result.
Meanwhile, after the new border controls were implemented in January, and the number of asylum seekers arriving in Sweden decreased from a peak of over 10,000 a week, to 820 (during the third week of January), no one could tell if this was due to the border controls or the wintry weather.
In total, 162,877 people sought asylum in Sweden in 2015. That is almost twice as many as the year before and many times the average during the 2000s, which was roughly 33,000 a year.
Now, Minister for Home Affairs Anders Ygeman tells the Dagens Industri business paper that he has tasked the police and the Immigration Service with the deportations of up to 80,000 of the asylum seekers who arrived last year. The government plans on using chartered planes. Anders Ygeman describes the operation as a “very big challenge.”
While Gatestone Institute stands by the articles written for it to date by Ingrid Carlqvist, Gatestone is no longer affiliated with her in any way.

A 34 year old immigrant from Somalia was arrested for savagely att@cking a woman next to the parking garage of a Sheraton hotel in Sweden. The woman d!ed while being raped. Police say the perpetrator continued to ra pe the woman’s corpse well after she had d!ed. The Somalian was apprehended by police while still in the act of r@ping the mur dered woman.
Sweden and Norway are in the middle of a massive epidemic of violent r@pes. Crime statistics show that rapes in both countries are overwhelmingly perpetr@ted by MusIim immigrants.
2013 figures were given in a recent report by Swedish Public Radio. In the first seven months of 2013, over 1,000 Swedish women reported being ra ped by Muslim immigrants. Over 300 of those were under the age of 15. The number of rapes is up 16% compared to 2012 numbers.
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This is so sad. My sister, daughter and brother in law visited Stockholm in 2000 to stay with family. It was one of the most beautiful, clean, safe and friendly places I’ve been. Those smiling, welcoming beautiful, hospitable Swedes. They spoke English and Swedish, had free university degrees and free healthcare for their people. It is depressing to see such a wonderful country deteriorate into a slum riddled with crime, hate and uneducated people who will drain the benefits of this nation which the citizens will play dearly for and return nothing. What a loss to the world and the people of Sweden.
Susan Sylvia
When the adherence to international immigration laws related to asylum seekers results in your own citizens feeling the need to seek asylum elsewhere, you know it’s time to reassess your commitment to those laws. Protection of its citizens is the absolute number one obligation of any government, before any commitment to international laws that may degrade that ability to protect. A government that does not understand such a fundamental principle and does not take seriously its responsibility to protect its own people first should be replaced. Immediately.
It seems to me that Swedish government first does not mind bringing so many people carrying various pathologies with their cultures, and when these people commit crimes, they expect Swedes to sympathize with the perpetrators because they had difficult pasts. But why letting in pathological cultures if it affects Sweden?
I just wonder if it is too late for Sweden and if their mistakes will be the foundation for a new European policy towards immigration. Is Germany next? It really is amazing that such intelligent people of, not just Europe (maybe not so much in Sweden as they are so willing to let anyone claim to be a child ) but the world, are so willing to let in immigrants that would clash so much with the current population whether through religion or politics. How could they not see this coming?
Sweden is committing national suicide. The government official, Sofia Häggmark, quoted in this article is part of that insanity. My wife and I had planned to visit her ancestral homeland, Gutland this summer but that trip is off. We don’t feel traveling in Sweden is safe. So sad to witness political correctness overcoming rational behavior. Here in the US we are beginning to see these Muslims not as ‘refugees’ but invaders.
Kenneth E. Smith
In a democracy, politicians are meant to represent the interests of their constituents, but throughout the EU member countries they are ignoring the concerns of their own people and submitting to the diktats of the unelected and democratically unaccountable EU commissioners. That a National Government is more concerned about censure from the European Court of Justice than it is about the safety and security of their own people shows how far democracy has degraded within the EU. It appears that the rights and wishes of the indigenous people of the EU countries ran a very bad third against the diktats of the EU Commission and incomers claiming asylum.
If the level of Muslim immigration into Western Europe is not drastically curbed, within two generations the culture and way of life of Europeans will have been virtually destroyed, and it will have happen against the will of European peoples, but facilitated by their own governments and the EU.
Mickey Oberman
How stupid can Sweden, the entire EU, the UN, USA and Canada’s Trudeau possibly be?
They would sacrifice their countries, their freedom, and the very lives of their citizens while those who should be responsible for these ‘asylum seekers’ do nothing at all.
Islamic countries, some of the wealthiest states in the world, of the middle east own 99.975% of its more than 6 million square miles of mostly vacant land. Yet they do nothing to help their Muslim brethren.
They should be forced by economic or, if necessary, military means to assume their full and total responsibilities for their own Islamic peoples.
Mike Conlon
Mickey points out very clearly how Sweden is screwing up, and Ingrid in the first article that Mickey commented on pointed out that like here, immigrants there vote mostly for the most PC Lib party. So the answer to why both countries are doing this is that a party is in charge that believes in it, because they believe the PC Lib ideas that support it. Also, they get a direct political benefit. Being able to deny the problems, or blame someone else, is not a new thing for many politicians, and it’s easy to find an example in my USA.
We find a famous example many decades ago: Dems in America made a successful Dem politician named Daniel Patrick Moynihan a “wrong bad guy” for pointing that affirmative action was making America’s black subculture worse off in several clear, scientifically shown ways. To support their affirmative action ideas was more important than the harm. As a result, from then up to now they excused or ignored or reassigned blame for the problems. Just so, we see the Swedish Police official focusing on the Muslim murderers hard, sad life instead of his murder victim.
With Mickey having done a good job of describing the problem, along with Ingrid, the question is will Sweden get a guy like Trump who has the ego, desire, fame and wealth to be able to say what lots of his countrymen think. Along with the stated intention to reverse the general immigration problems of “too much,” and specifically Muslim immigration with a Muslim immigration pause until “we figure this out.” I saw him confirm this clearly just a minute ago in a fairly long interview that’s still going on. So, good luck, Sweden. Look for your Trump! Sadly, though, the viking spirit may have sailed away from Sweden over the years.
ALL Western governments are reading from the same instruction book. I’m now convinced it’s all part of a master plan to destroy the west which they couldn’t have achieved without the overwhelming help by the Leftards. (cultural marxists)
Adios, bye bye Sweden. It is all over.
Vivienne Leijonhufvud
My first visit to Stockholm with my new husband was in 1993. I was astonished to see a mosque on E20. We stopped at a pretty resort by the Baltic for coffee and buns. I recall remarking that poor Sweden, if she goes on importing Muslims from Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Middle East, she will become like Britain if not worse in twenty years! I was right and rape crime is out of control anarchy rules Sweden today.
Alan Wolfe
The Swedes are committing national suicide over an ideological philosophy that is doomed to fail.
Now what I am getting from the news is that Swedish government is not allowing the co-workers of Alexandera Mazhar to conduct a mermorial of her in the effort to avoid fury of Muslims.
Dawie Fife
Hard to feel sympathy for the Swedes, they gave Rhodesia and South Africa heaps about our so called racist attitude. You love the Africans so much welcome to Africa, enjoy!!! You will never get rid of them now because you are weak and useless and they know it.
Christoph Dollis
Great article, Ingrid. Revolution is what is needed. First, deal with the near enemy. Then the far enemy.
The military and security services need to do their duty and side with the protection of the people (as they did when they finally cast off the spell of Communism and sided with Boris Yeltsin).
Hopefully, this revolution will be more peaceful than not. That is expressly why I call upon the military and police to do their duty, to fulfill their responsibility, to protect their people.
Don’t make the people fight: fight for them.
The UK is under pressure to ‘do more’ and admit more lone children, even though Kent County Council’s Social Services department is buckling under the strain of supporting the numbers already here. A united, articulate and representative opposition to this madness is needed: pan-European and standing up for us,the silent majority. Enough is enough.
I think a point of no return has now been reached in Sweden, the country is decaying faster and faster. I was born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden, and it’s now a country I barely recognize from my childhood or youth. I live in a suburb of Stockholm and every day I go to the train station to take the commuter train into the City I see nothing but Muslims sitting on the streets or pavements begging passersby for money, or spending their Saturday nights torching parked cars or vandalizing public property.
The place where I live is now virtually no different than some of the worst areas I have seen on the outskirts of Paris or London and I suspect that if you want something else in life, you would have to emigrate to another continent like maybe Australia or North America. The evolution of Europe is apparently the same wherever you travel here within the EU.