
Sex in Samoa

The book of American anthropologist Margaret Mead, published in 1928 and repeatedly reissued, including in our country, has a profound influence on public consciousness. The total circulation of the book translated into many languages amounted to millions of copies. This book is believed to have prepared a sexual revolution more than anything else…

Mead claims that the islanders are not familiar with any moral prohibitions and live a free sex life. “In Samoa, the duration of the intimate union is measured for days, at best for weeks, and the stories about loyalty ‘before the coffin’ consistently cause ridicule… All interests of the Samoan girl are aimed exclusively at sexual resemblance.” According to Mead, as a result of the full discharge of the sex sphere, in Samoa, neither emotional, nor mental disorders, nor sex offenses are known.

In this book, there are no distortion of facts simply because there no facts. There are no facts. Not a single fact. From the first word to the last word – lies – consciouslies and focused lies. Unfortunately, like other counterfeit, the exposure came too late. It came fifty-five years late when the sexual revolution was well under way. The Geeny could not be put back in the bottle.

In 1983 and 1999, two books from Australian scientist Derek Freeman, specialist in language and culture of Samoa, have been published. By comparing reality with Mead’s book, Derek Freeman described the book as “the fruit of unbridled sexual imagination.” Islanders did not have sexual promiscuity in 1925. Promiscuity as described by this lying toad occured neither before 1925 nor after 1925. This lyer did not even know the local language when she visited the islands of Samoa. The opposite is the case. The intimate life of the islanders is strictly regulated. Maintaining cleanliness before marriage is considered not only a virtue, but also a necessary condition for marriage. Violations of married loyalty were brutally prosecuted.

As for Margaret Mead herself, for the rest of her life, she bathed in the rays of glory and was considered a most reputable anthropologist in the USA.

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