One of the most highly regarded books of the 20th century was Ernest Becker’s “The Denial of Death...
Author - gad123
Voter ID is essential.
We should be aware of the voter fraud during the 2020 US Election. This has reduced confidence in...
Do Critical Race Theorists Know What Racism Is? The subtle art...
By: Steve QJ Source: Let’s be honest; you’re not quite sure what critical race theory (CRT) is...
The land mass of Australia is now a business!
“In 1973, the Parliament of Australia used a particular Act to create a research and development...
Australia – The Lima Declaration
The United Nations Lima Declaration of 1975 ushered in the New World Order for Australia and the...
Bryant – another rant
A new documentary on the Port Arthur massacre is set to be released in 2021. It does not stray from...
When Race Matters Above All Else.
Gabriël Moens – Quadrant Online, 2024-02-16 Keen observers of race relations in Australia...
Karl Marx
“The whole gospel of Karl Marx can be summed up in a single sentence: Hate the man who is better...
The Secret Origins of Black Lives Matter
Before you read ‘White Man’, take note of this: “Eric Mann was born December 4...
One thousand covid stories.
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